Buckingham Conservative MP Greg Smith has called for Milton Keynes Council to rethink a strategy plan which proposes extensive housing development in North Buckinghamshire and Winslow.
Neither Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC) nor Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC) were consulted before the council issued its engagement draft of the Milton Keynes Strategy for 2050, which sets out the way forward.
MP Greg Smith said: "Milton Keynes Council must reconsider this strategy as a matter of urgency. The council does not have the jurisdiction to do this - they have no right to propose housing for Winslow and North Bucks. I am extremely concerned to see development being proposed beyond their Milton Keynes boundary as it would lead to a substantial increase in housing in North Bucks.
"I fully support AVDC, Buckinghamshire County Council and MK Conservatives' opposition. For the sake of all constituents it is imperative that the new Buckinghamshire unitary Council contests overdevelopment. Any growth that impacts residents should be undertaken in consultation with them and it should not be forced upon them by neighbouring local authorities."
AVDC already has its own plans for future housing growth planned within the ‘Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan’, after detailed consultation with residents. AVDC has confirmed it did not contribute to the David Lock Associates study which has informed the MK Growth Strategy for 2050.
The Strategy has been produced following on from a report published in 2016, the MK Futures 2050 Commission report, ‘Making a Great City Greater’, which was supported by Milton Keynes Council.